Given Scam Rivers' criminal history that spans his adult life, why does City Council President Yuhanna Edwards and the rest of the city council, along with Maureen Walker tie themselves to this crook.?
Sunshine and satire in the city of Mount Vernon, NY.
A Little Bit of History
Due to a election petition error, a new city council was elected in the 2009 elections. Councilman John Yuhanna Edwards, former Councilwoman Karen Watts, former School Board Trustee Diane Munro-Morris and Roberta Appuzo all ran together on a Maureen Walker backed ticket and these four espoused transparency and leadership throughout their election campaign. Sadly, in their first seven weeks, they have shown no tendency whatsoever towards transparency and the leadership that they talked so much about comes in the form of their puppetmaster, Comptroller Maureen Walker.
Walker, who is without a doubt running for Mayor in 2011, has made it clear that she wants to see zero progress in Mount Vernon during the current administration which would benefit her election campaign. In this effort to obstruct and divide, the most powerful tool in her box is her four puppets on the City Council. Thanks to their 4-1 margin on the council, they have performed flawlessly in following Maureen's orders and in doing so, their campaign promises of transparency and leadership have been thrown out the window.
The most severe travesty to date has been the City Council's illegal vote to eliminate the Office of the Inspector General. For the past two years, the biggest thorn in Maureen's side has been the Office of the Inspector General. The IG position was funded and staffed by the current administration due to the corruption and fraud that took place during the Ernie Davis regime. In its first two years of existence, the IG has saved the city millions of dollars in federal fines and penalties in the HUD affair, has fought for and was awarded restitution in the A&D Carting corruption case and has worked with federal prosecutors in the Gerri Post/Wayne Charles corruption case that has yet to go to the sentencing phase. These three embarrassing cases of corruption, fraud and mismanagement happened during the Davis administration and it is important to note that during the 12 years of the Davis era, provisions existed in the City Charter for an Office of the Inspector General but the position was never funded or staffed. Do we really need to wonder why? It is also important to note that during the Davis era, Comptroller Maureen Walker supposedly stood as the city's financial watchdog. However, it was on her watch both as Comptroller and Treasurer of the IDA, that these cases of corruption and theft of taxpayer dollars happened right under her nose. Yuhanna Edwards and Karen Watts were also intimately entangled within the inner workings of the Ernie Davis administration. Edwards held a high ranking position in the Comptroller's Office, served as Commissioner of Emergency Management and as Recreation Commissioner. He was also Ernie's hand-picked choice to fill a vacant City Council position. Karen Watts also served as a Councilwoman during the Davis administration and was appointed by Ernie to the position of Recreation Commissioner. It is safe to assume that these three want to return to the old days of corruption and fraud and along with their other team members, Diane Munro and Roberta Appuzo, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their mission.
It is important to note that the City Council will once again have to vote on the elimination of the Office of the Inspector General. Since council president Edwards was mysteriously absent from the last meeting, the vote to eliminate the OIG was only a 3-1 vote. Council rules state that when a 3-1 vote occurs, that they must vote on the item again at the next council meeting. So this Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00pm there will be a City Council meeting where this vote will again come up. Be sure to attend and sign up to speak at the meeting by calling the City Clerk's officeat 665-2348 by 3:00pm on Wednesday.
Since we're talking history here, we would be remiss to not discuss newly installed Councilwoman Diane Munro-Morris. Diane was a long-time school board trustee who served on the board during an era that saw the ushering in of outrageous school tax increases and rapidly declining academic performance in the schools. In the 2008 school board elections where there were five vacant positions up for election, Munro-Morris was trounced at the polls and finished 8th out of the 10 candidates vying for those five positions. How did a woman with this record of failure become a city councilmember? Well it was due to a flawed election petition that eliminated much of the competition as well as the support of Comptroller Maureen Walker. Another question to ask is why would someone who claims to be fiscally responsible back a candidate who played a substantial role in the skyrocketing school taxes that are now forcing city homeowners out of their homes? There is some good news though, Diane Munro-Morris is only filling a vacant term that expires next year, so she will be up for re-election very soon. If she doesn't change her ways and become an independent and responsible voice for city residents, we will have an opportunity to remove her from office in 2011.
Mount Vernon residents, this new City Council does not represent you. They represent and work to fulfill the agenda of Maureen Walker. Continue to pay attention and spread the word. Only when they realize that their actions have consequences will they understand they they must work to move our city forward for the benefit of our citizens and not to benefit a Comptroller with greater political ambitions.