Thursday, July 1, 2010
More financial follies from the Comptroller & City Council
First, I want to thank those who are responding to these emails - both those who offer words of support as well as those who offer information about the City Council and the Comptroller. Without those who offer such information, it would be hard to compile enough to get these emails out.
Now, onto yet another story just getting out that you won't read about in the Journal News about the sheer silliness regarding the financial irresponsibility of our Comptroller Maureen Walker and her four allies on the Mount Vernon City Council.
Last week and into this week, when the area was plagued by a heat wave with temperatures into the 90's, the air conditioning units at the Doles Center and the Police HQ/City Courthouse completely broke down. Both units are beyond their useful lifespan and need complete replacement.
The Doles Center, which houses a senior program and a day care center was repaired within a few days. The Police HQ/Courthouse however, was out for over a week and the courts were forced to close for at least two days due to unbearable temperatures. The hardworking cops. unfortunately, had no such option as their job is to protect and serve the public through whatever the conditions may be. The original contractor who installed the unit at the PD/Courthouse refuses to ever come back into Mount Vernon due to not being paid by the Comptroller's Office. A second contractor who was brought in to try to get the system working, also walked off of the job due to poor payment history from the Comptroller's Office. This left workers in this vital facility to face stifling temperatures. Fortunately, a third company was brought in to get the system back up, at least temporarily. However, a permanent solution must be found to replace these units so that these expensive temporary patch jobs can end.
The cause of the outrage of this whole situation does not just rest with the Comptroller for poor accounts payable processes. It also lays at the feet of the new city council, her political allies. According to a source, last year the City Council unanimously approved a capital projects plan that would have provided money to repair and replace HVAC systems at city buildings. This foresight would have avoided the a/c issues that affected the health of our seniors. children, cops and other workers and public. However, at the urging of their political master Maureen Walker, the new city council, namely President Edwards and members Watts, Munro and Appuzo, gutted the capital projects plan removing money for replacement of HVAC systems and other infrastructure projects.
This kind of backwards thinking should be a thing of the past and is no surprise coming from the same group who is trying to force the elimination of the Office of the Inspector General. Week after week, at the direction of Comptroller Maureen Walker, Edwards, Watts, Munro and Appuzo stand in the way of our city's progress all due to a political agenda that serves only to increase Walker's chances of being elected Mayor in next year's election. Fellow Mount Vernon residents, you do not deserve this kind of governance. Councilmember Diane Munro-Morris is also up for election next year. Tell her loud and clear that she is betraying the trust and best interests of the public.
Stand up Mount Vernon and make your voice heard.
Send your letters to the city council to the below address:
Mount Vernon City Council
c/o City Clerk's Office
1 Roosevelt Sq.
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
Or, speak at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 13th. You must call the City Clerk's office at 665-2300 to register as a speaker by 3pm on the same day of the meeting. Thanks to the reader who sent in the correction about the deadline to register as a speaker.
Finally, forward this email to your friends and family to alert them to the unethical practices of the Comptroller and the City Council President. Spread the word about what is going on.
To catch up on all of the latest goings on visit
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Walker's & Edwards' gift to tax deadbeat political ally
As mentioned in last week's post, Comptroller Maureen Walker and City Council President Yuhanna Edwards, acting in their official capacity on the city's Real Estate Committee, voted to approve the sale of a city-owned East 3rd Street commercial property to a political ally who owes the city over $228,000 in back property taxes. Walker and Edwards votes were the two "Yes" votes on the three member panel. You can read the Journal News article here.
The property, appraised at $125,000, was sold to Henry Solly for the bargain price of $25,000. What the above-mentioned Journal News article failed to point out is that Solly is a longtime political supporter and donor of Maureen Walker and apparently this deal is the payback for that steadfast support. Solly is also the President of the All Islands Association, which is a prominent West Indian/Caribbean organization that has honored and backed Walker for many years.
Besides this outrageous act, which still must be voted on by the City Council, the question that begs to be asked is why Maureen Walker has failed to act to collect the back taxes owed by Solly. Rumors have swirled for years now that Walker has many political allies and friends who also owe past due property taxes, yet they get a free pass when it comes to collection action on those debts. Can this be why Walker enjoys the political support of some longtime City Hal insiders? How many other friends and allies owe back taxes to the city? This would make for an interesting query on the part of The Journal News who to date seems to have largely ignored the lack of financial management within Mount Vernon.
Edwards, along with Councilmembers Watts, Munro and Appuzo, have been solid supporters of Walker since they began the term of this new City Council in January. Walker was also their prime supporter during their election campaign. What is behind this alliance? Walker has been the ringleader in the push to eliminate the position of Inspector General in Mount Vernon and the above-mentioned city council members have supported her to no end. Are we now seeing the real reason behind this attempt to eliminate the only City Hall office responsible for ending fraud, waste and corruption in the city government?
Speak out against this travesty. Send your letters to the city council to the below address:
Mount Vernon City Council
c/o City Clerk's Office
1 Roosevelt Sq.
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
Or, speak at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 13th. You must call the City Clerk's office at 665-2300 to register as a speaker by 12noon on the same day of the meeting.
Finally, forward this email to your friends and family to alert them to the unethical practices of the Comptroller and the City Council President. Spread the word about what is going on.
To catch up on all of the latest goings on visit
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Comptroller and new City Council at it again
Last week was a perfect example of the perverted sense of public service maintained by Maureen Walker, City Council President Yuhanna Edwards and Councilmember Karen Watts. The first instance of ridiculousness occurred at Tuesday's meeting of the Board of Estimate and Contract. Now a little bit of background is necessary here. In May, Mayor Young filed a lawsuit in State Supreme Court against the Mount Vernon City Council over their attempt to eliminate the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The judge gearing the case issued an order preventing all parties involved from partaking in any action that would eliminate the OIG.
Well last Tuesday, City Council president Edwards, acting in concert with Maureen Walker attempted to push a resolution through that would reduce the salary of the IG from $110,000 to just $1, yes one dollar. Reportedly, the Mayor fought this attempt as it would have violated the judge's order. However, Edwards and Walker forced a vote on the matter which passed 2-1 with the Mayor's vote being the one nay vote.
Now what was reportedly perhaps the most controversial part of the meeting occured after a brief recess. In order for this resolution to be voted on and take effect, the City Clerk, George Brown, must sign the resolution in order for it to be executable. Brown refused to sign the document stating that doing so would be in violation of the judge's order and he wanted to operation within the parameters of the court's instructions. Well, after a recess, Brown returned to the room, swithced the audio recorder back on and clearly stated for the record that Councilmember Karen Watts threatened his job if he did not sign and execute the resolution. He alst stated that no matter what threats were made against him or his job, he would not sign the resolution. It is important to know that it is the City Council that hires or fires the City Clerk and Karen Watts, being the leader of 4 of thr 5 City Councilmembers, has considerable sway over the jobs of the City Clerk and the Deputy City Clerk.
It is refreshing to those who are interested in good government that Mr. Brown made a stand against cronyism and the City Council's and Comptroler's attempt to eliminate the one office (OIG) that stands in the way of corruption and fraud.
The second act of outrage happened one day later at a meeting of the Real Estate Committee. The committee consists of Comptroller Maureen Walker, Council President Edwards and Assessor Anthony Debellis. Among the powers of this committee is the decision-making authority to sell city-owned properties. At this meeting, Comptroller Walker introduced a measure that would sell an East 3rd Street commercial property to one Henry Solly. Now again, some background is necessary. Solly is the President of a very prominent West Indian/Caribbean association and is a longtime friend and campaign contributor of Maureen Walker. In addition, Walker has allowed Solly to use the very same city-owned property for free for his auto repair center for many years now. Finally, Solly owes the City of Mount Vernon $300,000 in back taxes. Yes, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BACK TAXES.
In the end, Walker and Edwards voted to sell Solly this property for the low bargain basement price of $25,000. Debellis voted no. So there you have it folks, a longtime friend and campign contributor who owes the city $300,000 was allwoed to purchase a property likely worth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for just $25,000. Will Solly now begin to pay down his enormous debt to the city. Will he finally be held to account by his friend and be forced to pay back his tax obligations? Does he even plan on paying any property taxes on his new property? Maureen labels herself as the city's financial watchdog. Do you really believe her?
This Wednesday, the City Council will take a vote on whether or not to approve this real estate sale/giveaway. Show up at the City Council Chamber and speak out against it. In order to speak before the council, you must call the City Clerk's office by 12 noon on Wednesday. The number is 665-3000.
One last note. It is no secret that Maureen Walker was holding back a substantial portion of the city Chief of Staff's annual salary. Why she did so was a mystery as noone could find a good reason for it. For the first three months of the year, the withheld amount totalled $7,500 according to the Journal News. It turns out that the Chief of Staff, Yalonda Robinson sued Walker personally for the withheld portion of her salary. Reportedly, within minutes of being served with court papers notifying her of the lawsuit, Comptroller Walker called Robinson's boss, Mayor Young, whining about the lawsuit and promised to have a check cut for Robinson the next day. Sure enough that check was in the Comptroller's office waiting for Robinson the very next day - clear proof that Walker was playing silly political games and withholding Robinson's pay for no reason whatsoever.
Good readers, these shenanigans are typical of the new City Council and their alliance with the Comptroller. Unless we start to speak up and make some noise about this behavior, it will continue.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mount Vernon City Council votes "YES" for corruption and fraud
The Office of the Inspector General has existed within the City Charter for many years. Former Mayor Ernie Davis failed to ever fund of staff that office and we experienced firsthand the embarrassing and fiscally damaging results. City Council President Yuhanna Edwards and Councilwoman Karen Watts were major players in the former administration when the corruption happened. Edwards had a high level post in the Comptroller's Office, served as the Director of Emergency Services, Recreation Commissioner and was Ernie Davis' hand-picked choice to fill a vacant City Councl seat. Watts served as councilmember and as Recreation Commissioner. Of course, Comptroller Walker, the self-anointed financial watchdog, stood by and actually signed the checks which were made payable to the mob-affiliated A&D Carting (which were major campaign contributors to her) as well as to Wayne Charles' (boyfriend of Davis administration Planning Commissioner Gerrie post) company.
In addition to claiming that controls already exist, Edwards also reasons that the city cannot afford the $200,000 or so budgeted to the IG's office. Well, since Edwards and his Walker puppets voted to increase the council's part-time (25 hours/week) Legislative Assistant position from $35,000 to $89,000 and also voted to restore the $127,000 Chief Accountant's position back to the Comptroller's Office, that is plain old BS. Let's not forget that in order to offer this crony a pay raise and to restore the Chief Accountant's position they raided the city's contingency fund, which is specifically set aside to be used in case of emergencies.Also, keep in mind that the Inspector General has negotiated to save our city millions of dollars in federal fines and penalties and is playing a major role in seeking restitution ($1 million already in the A&D Carting case)n from those who have ripped off the taxpayers right from under the nose of Comptroller Maureen Walker. This new City Council is placing our city in great financial risk.
Politics are also at play here in regards to the part-time Legislative Assistant position. The crony and beneficiary of the above-menioned outlandish pay raise, Nichelle Johnson, has lofty political aspirations. She ran an unsuccessful campaign for City Judge last year and their appears to be another vacancy likely opening up in the future should current City Judge Bill Edwards, as expected, run for a position on the county level. An $89,000/year working only 25 hours per week would give Ms. Johnson a terrific advantage when it comes to a future campaign effort. Could the new City Council offer their longtime friend Nichelle Johnson a better gift and opportunity. Sadly, this gift is paid for by the taxpayers of Mount Vernon.
Speak out about this travesty. Call the City Clerks office at 665-2348 by this Wednesday, March 10 by 3pm, and register to speak out at that night's City Council meeting.
office of the mayor
One Roosevelt Square
Mount VERNON, NY 10550
February 25, 2010
Dear Fellow Citizens,
Since 2008, my administration has worked diligently to improve services, advance economic development, and ultimately remove remnants of corrupt practices that have not only tarnished the reputation of our great city, but cost you as taxpayers millions of dollars.
Now as your Mayor, I am writing to inform you of the grossly negligent and illegal attempt of the new City Council, in concert with the Comptroller, to remove the Inspector General from office. Two weeks ago, the City Council proposed legislation to abolish the Office of the Inspector General. Last night they passed this legislation. This is not only reckless and poor public policy, but a clear violation of the Charter of the City of Mount Vernon and the laws of the State of New York. Therefore, I am publically stating that I will take any and all actions to reverse this egregious injustice that can potentially place our beloved city in financial peril.
First, allow me to explain the role of the Inspector General’s Office. The I.G.’s Office is an independent body vested with investigative powers to root out criminal activities, fraud and abuses within every single office in city government. The I.G. also recommends corrective action, and where necessary, refers cases to the appropriate authority, whether federal, state, or local agencies. The prior City Council supported the creation of the Inspector General’s. In 2008, I hired Harry Stokes to serve as Inspector General for our City. Mr. Stokes is a certified Inspector General and uniquely qualified for the position based on his experience in financial management, and as a practicing attorney in both New York State and Washington, D.C.
The creation of the Inspector General position has already saved Mount Vernon taxpayers millions of dollars through my administration’s negotiation of a $1.7 million dollar settlement to repay HUD over a period of years without the City incurring interest or penalties. If we did not have an Inspector General in place, the penalties alone could have approached ten million dollars. This is a fact.
I submit to you, the taxpayer, that this action is strictly politically motivated. The new City Council’s assertions that they are attempting to save money are simply not true. The well-publicized corruption scandals and criminal activity of our city’s all too recent past cost us millions in penalties and waste, and literally screamed out for an Office of Inspector General. Again, these criminal activities occurred under the prior administration. And now, with people loyal to the past ways of governing sitting on our new City Council, the attempt to eliminate this office would only seem to cast us back to the dark ages when corruption and fraud were rampant.
The Office of the Inspector General falls under the executive powers of the Mayor. After this illegal attempt to usurp these executive powers, what vital department will the new City Council attempt to eliminate next?
Second, speaking legally for just a moment, the executive power of the City is vested in the Mayor. Section 69 of the Charter which clearly states the “Inspector General” shall be appointed by the Mayor to hold office until the end of term of the Mayor by whom he or she was appointed and until his or her successor is appointed. Section 27 of the Charter provides that the removal of an appointed officer and/or employee is only permitted by the officer making the appointment. Therefore, since the Mayor appoints the Inspector General, only the Mayor may remove him, not the City Council or the Comptroller. Simply put, the new City Council’s attempts at removal are illegal.
The mere contention that the City systems are in place to detect and prevent corruption and wrongdoings are both factually erroneous, misguided and a poor attempt to deceive the public. In a recent interview with the Journal News, City Council President Yuhanna Edwards said that “each department can monitor itself…and the Comptroller’s office has the ability to audit the various agencies and departments of the City.”
I would remind City Council President Edwards, as I hope you will as well, that the so-called systems and Comptroller’s audit ability were in place when the criminal actions of the former Planning Commissioner and her codefendant, as well as that of the A&D Carting Company and the alleged mobsters, stole millions of dollars from the taxpayers of the City of Mount Vernon. It is the Inspector General who is playing an important role in helping us to recover those losses. Given the convictions of Ms. Post, Wayne Charles and the carting company executive, it is clear that the so-called systems upon which Mr. Edwards so confidently relies have failed miserably.
As citizens and taxpayers of our great city, you deserve and demand greater controls and protection of your tax dollars, and together, we must fight these attempts to return to business as usual. Let me be perfectly clear. I will vehemently oppose all attempts to remove the Inspector General and any efforts by the new Council to undermine or disrupt investigations. I will keep you well informed of my efforts to fight these illegal and irresponsible acts, and please trust that I will continue, as I have for the last two years, to act in the best interest of our great city.
I thank you for your attention.
Clinton I. Young, Jr.
MAYORSunday, February 21, 2010
Sam Rivers Mugshot?

Given Scam Rivers' criminal history that spans his adult life, why does City Council President Yuhanna Edwards and the rest of the city council, along with Maureen Walker tie themselves to this crook.?
Mount Vernon City Council - A Little Bit of History
A Little Bit of History
Due to a election petition error, a new city council was elected in the 2009 elections. Councilman John Yuhanna Edwards, former Councilwoman Karen Watts, former School Board Trustee Diane Munro-Morris and Roberta Appuzo all ran together on a Maureen Walker backed ticket and these four espoused transparency and leadership throughout their election campaign. Sadly, in their first seven weeks, they have shown no tendency whatsoever towards transparency and the leadership that they talked so much about comes in the form of their puppetmaster, Comptroller Maureen Walker.
Walker, who is without a doubt running for Mayor in 2011, has made it clear that she wants to see zero progress in Mount Vernon during the current administration which would benefit her election campaign. In this effort to obstruct and divide, the most powerful tool in her box is her four puppets on the City Council. Thanks to their 4-1 margin on the council, they have performed flawlessly in following Maureen's orders and in doing so, their campaign promises of transparency and leadership have been thrown out the window.
The most severe travesty to date has been the City Council's illegal vote to eliminate the Office of the Inspector General. For the past two years, the biggest thorn in Maureen's side has been the Office of the Inspector General. The IG position was funded and staffed by the current administration due to the corruption and fraud that took place during the Ernie Davis regime. In its first two years of existence, the IG has saved the city millions of dollars in federal fines and penalties in the HUD affair, has fought for and was awarded restitution in the A&D Carting corruption case and has worked with federal prosecutors in the Gerri Post/Wayne Charles corruption case that has yet to go to the sentencing phase. These three embarrassing cases of corruption, fraud and mismanagement happened during the Davis administration and it is important to note that during the 12 years of the Davis era, provisions existed in the City Charter for an Office of the Inspector General but the position was never funded or staffed. Do we really need to wonder why? It is also important to note that during the Davis era, Comptroller Maureen Walker supposedly stood as the city's financial watchdog. However, it was on her watch both as Comptroller and Treasurer of the IDA, that these cases of corruption and theft of taxpayer dollars happened right under her nose. Yuhanna Edwards and Karen Watts were also intimately entangled within the inner workings of the Ernie Davis administration. Edwards held a high ranking position in the Comptroller's Office, served as Commissioner of Emergency Management and as Recreation Commissioner. He was also Ernie's hand-picked choice to fill a vacant City Council position. Karen Watts also served as a Councilwoman during the Davis administration and was appointed by Ernie to the position of Recreation Commissioner. It is safe to assume that these three want to return to the old days of corruption and fraud and along with their other team members, Diane Munro and Roberta Appuzo, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their mission.
It is important to note that the City Council will once again have to vote on the elimination of the Office of the Inspector General. Since council president Edwards was mysteriously absent from the last meeting, the vote to eliminate the OIG was only a 3-1 vote. Council rules state that when a 3-1 vote occurs, that they must vote on the item again at the next council meeting. So this Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00pm there will be a City Council meeting where this vote will again come up. Be sure to attend and sign up to speak at the meeting by calling the City Clerk's officeat 665-2348 by 3:00pm on Wednesday.
Since we're talking history here, we would be remiss to not discuss newly installed Councilwoman Diane Munro-Morris. Diane was a long-time school board trustee who served on the board during an era that saw the ushering in of outrageous school tax increases and rapidly declining academic performance in the schools. In the 2008 school board elections where there were five vacant positions up for election, Munro-Morris was trounced at the polls and finished 8th out of the 10 candidates vying for those five positions. How did a woman with this record of failure become a city councilmember? Well it was due to a flawed election petition that eliminated much of the competition as well as the support of Comptroller Maureen Walker. Another question to ask is why would someone who claims to be fiscally responsible back a candidate who played a substantial role in the skyrocketing school taxes that are now forcing city homeowners out of their homes? There is some good news though, Diane Munro-Morris is only filling a vacant term that expires next year, so she will be up for re-election very soon. If she doesn't change her ways and become an independent and responsible voice for city residents, we will have an opportunity to remove her from office in 2011.
Mount Vernon residents, this new City Council does not represent you. They represent and work to fulfill the agenda of Maureen Walker. Continue to pay attention and spread the word. Only when they realize that their actions have consequences will they understand they they must work to move our city forward for the benefit of our citizens and not to benefit a Comptroller with greater political ambitions.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Mount Vernon City Council's Runaway Train places city's finances at risk
They Just Don't Get it
Well, just about six weeks into the new City Council's tenure, two things have become abundantly clear...they will stop at nothing to avoid transparency and they will carry out Queen Maureen's agenda without fail.
Last night, the new Mount Vernon City Council voted to eliminate the city's Office of the Inspector General. Maureen's Four Blind Mice just sent a clear signal that Mount Vernon is now back to the days of corruption and fraud that occurred during the Davis administration. No wonder really as both Council President Yuhanna Edwards and Councilwoman Watts, along with their leader Maureen Walker, were all intimately involved with Davis Administration and did nothing to stop the criminal activity when it happened on their watch. Edwards will tell you that departments can police themselves and that the Comptroller can conduct audits of any department at any time. However, Comptroller Walker had these audit powers when millions of taxpayer dollars were being swiped from under her nose and she did nothing about it then. What makes Edwards think that she is willing to do anything about it now?
Chooooooo Chooooooo!!! Comptroller and City Council Raid City's Contingency Fund
Highest Paid 25 Hour/Week Employee in the State?
As mentioned above, they are still attempting to increase the part-time salary of Legislative Assistant Nichelle Johnson from $35,000 to $85,000. Now you may be saying to yourself, "I thought that the City Council already voted to raise her 25 hour a week salary to $85,000/year." Well reader, you are not imagining things - the City Council did indeed pass legislation to transfer money's around to give their friend Ms. Johnson a 242% pay raise. However, for some inexplicable reason, that pay increase was put on hold at a Board of Estimate meeting. Now, Maureen's councilservants are at it again and have approved legislation to increase Ms. Johnson's salary to $89,000/year - a 254% pay increase. That salary would make Ms. Johnson one of the very highest paid 25 hour per week workers in the state. Not bad for what is traditionally an entry level position.
There was this thing called an "Agenda"
Further proof of the shady goings on with the new City Council involves the council Agenda for each of their meetings. Prior to this year, you used to be able to stop by the City Clerk's office where, by the afternoon, there was an agenda available of the legislation that was to be voted on that night by your elected city councilpersons. This agenda allowed the public advance notice of the items/actions before the council that night. However, with the New Year and the new city council, the agenda is no longer available until you walk into the council chambers at 7pm for the start of their meetings. The last three meetings have seen no agenda available in advance. Why is this Council President Edwards? How about you Councilmembers Watts, Munro and Appuzo? All of you ran together on a Maureen Walker carried ticket and each of you espoused transparency and leadership. Yet, all we've gotten so far is secrecy and collusion with the Comptroller to support her agenda of division and destruction. Leadership involves following your own judgement of what is right and wrong. Where is the leadership from the new City Council?
Oh but Mr. Edwards is not done yet
Political patronage seems to be Council President Edwards modus operandi. In addition to hiring his friend Ms. Johnson and giving her a massive pay raise, Yuhanna Edwards has also hired long-time friend and employee of his, Patricia Fleming, to a part-time position within the City Clerk's office. So the question for Mr. Edwards is this: in addition to her part-time salary from the city, is Ms. Fleming still on your private payroll as well?
The Roadrunner is getting desperate
Last week, after the big snowstorm, the "Roadrunner Express", an email newsletter apparently sent out by an Ernie Davis loyalist and campaign manager for City Council candidates Edwards, Watts, Munro and Appuzo published unsubstantiated allegations against the Mount Vernon DPW. A very low quality photo of a white pickup truck plowing the driveway of a private business was used as evidence of wrongdoing on the part of a DPW worker. However, the photo contained no identifiable marking whatsoever and it clearly was a great stretch by "Roadrunner" to make such outlandish claims in an attempt to smear the city.
Is the publishher of the "Roadrunner" cracking under the pressure of continuously having to manufacture lies and fiction in order to drag this city down until Maureen Walker has a chance to run for Mayor?
Keep up the pressure good people. There are clear signs that the new City Council is allergic to sunlight and is reacting to it by retreating on some of their blatantly risky legislative efforts. However, their idea of transparency is rather odd and they need your help to explain it to them. Keep speaking up at council meetings. Keep making the phone calls. Keep forwarding these emails to your friends and family who care about the future of our city.
You can follow the complete story of the new City Council's shenanigans by visiting http://www.mvexposed.blogspot.